Struggling with Stress? - Life Matters talk
WE ARE VERY SORRY, BUT THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS. We will let you know when a new date has been arranged. Life...

#LiveLent - Care for God's Creation
Lent is coming up soon! The Church of England’s Lent Campaign for 2020 is #LiveLent: Care for God’s Creation. As we move towards Holy...

From the Rectory - February 2020
Dear Friends Last year our family visited Windsor Castle twice. We only went the second time because once you’ve bought the tickets they...

Fabric Fish! - craft evening
We’re holding another free-for-all craft evening just for fun on Friday 13 March at St Mary’s from 7.30 – 9.30 pm. To tie in with our...

Prayer Healing Fellowship - Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone who sent David, me and PHF Christmas and New Year wishes. All were much appreciated. The first fundraiser this...

Christmas Charity - an amazing result!
We are delighted to let you know that we raised an amazing £970 for our Christmas charity, Fledge, at various services over the Christmas...