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Alpha in Bishopstoke

The Alpha Course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith.

It’s relaxed, low-key and friendly.

There is a meal together at the beginning of the first few sessions which gives you the chance to get to know each other.
Listen, learn, discuss and discover.  Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile.

What's Involved?
Alpha consists of a series of talks on the following subjects:


  • Who is Jesus?

  • Why did Jesus die?

  • How can we have faith?

  • Why and how do I pray?

  • Why and how should I read the Bible?

  • How does God guide us?

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?

  • What does the Holy Spirit do?

  • How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

  • How can I resist evil?

  • Why and how should I tell others?

  • Does God heal today?

  • What about the Church?

  • How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

After each talk we divide into small groups for a time of discussion.

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for everyone, especially:

  • Those wanting to investigate Christianity

  • New Christians

  • Newcomers to the church

  • Those who want to brush up on the basics

  • Anyone thinking about Baptism or Confirmation

Who is running Alpha?

Alpha is run by St Mary's & St Paul's, Bishopstoke.  There is no charge for the course.

When is it?

Our next Alpha course will be on Wednesday evenings, 7 - 9.30 pm, from ..... to be arranged

Where is it?

St Mary's Church, Church Road, Bishopstoke. SO50 6DL.

Any questions - or if you wan't to book

Please contact us


© 2016 Bishopstoke PCC

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