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Women’s World Day of Prayer

It was pleasing to see so many people at St Paul’s at the beginning of March to join in the global wave of prayer and worship written this year by the women of the Philippines, titled ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ It was also good to welcome Edna who lived there for many years and had cooked us a traditional Filipino dish to try together with coconut muffins to sample with our tea or coffee.

Thank you to all the people who helped with the afternoon: the readers, organist and those in the kitchen. With the offering, together with donations, we have been able to send a cheque for nearly one hundred pounds to the Women’s World Day of Prayer organisation for their work across the world and in the UK.

Here are some words from the ‘Together in Prayer’ magazine by Helen Mason for reflection:

‘It’s not fair’ cries the child who can’t have his way.

‘It’s not fair’ cries the world – its cry everyday.

‘It’s not fair’ we all say when things didn’t go right.

‘It’s not fair’ for the oppressed who then stand up and fight..

‘It’s not fair if we miss out on luxury treats.’

‘It’s not fair’ cry the hungry with nothing to eat.

It wasn’t fair for Jesus to die on the cross.

It wasn’t fair for God to suffer such a loss.

But through his redemption he saved us from death.

And he hears our ‘Not Fairs’ with his last dying breath.

He’s here for the down trodden, hungry, oppressed.

His justice and mercy will see them all blessed.

We heard from the people who live in the Philippines that God does give ample resources for everyone, but often it is the strongest and most powerful people who take those resources for themselves and their families. Again, like Cuba last year, we heard that the Philippines is a country of economic contrast hence the title ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ Hope to see you next year on the first Friday in March at the Women’s World Day of Prayer, when we shall hear about Suriname in South America.

Ann Brown

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