#LiveLent - Care for God's Creation

Lent is coming up soon! The Church of England’s Lent Campaign for 2020 is #LiveLent: Care for God’s Creation. As we move towards Holy Week and Easter, it aims to broaden our view of Jesus’ redeeming mission – a mission Christians are called to share, and to motivate us to care for God’s world.
It would great if as many of us as possible could take part in this. You can receive the daily Bible readings, reflections and actions by email, by downloading an app, or by seeing the daily posts on social media. Just go to www.churchofengland.org/livelent to sign up. It’s also available in booklets with versions for adults and children / young people. We can get these slightly reduced at £1.75 (adults) and £1.25 (children) each – please indicate on the list at the back of church if you’d like one or get in touch with us via this website. Please also add your name to the list or let us know via the website if you're taking part in this and using the online resources. It would be really good to know how many people are doing it.
Taking part in #LiveLent will also help our church to answer more positively some of the questions for our Eco Church survey (part of our Parish Mission Action Plan), especially the ones on Community & Local Engagement and Lifestyle. If you’d like to see this, please go to https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/